Seamless Summer Meal Program


The Bartow County School System’s award-winning Summer Feeding Program is back! Stay tuned!

You will be able to pick up meals at no cost for children 18 years of age and under.

Children do not have to be enrolled in the BCSS to receive food.

Locations are always subject to change. If site changes need to be made, you will be notified.

We encourage all families to take advantage of this opportunity to provide their children with healthy and nutritious meals during the summer months.

Please spread the word to other families in the community who may benefit from this program!

Thank you for your continued support and have a wonderful summer!

Interested in joining our team?

Fill out both forms below and submit the following to :

Return completed application packet with the following:

Copy of driver's license

Copy of 2nd form of ID (social security card, passport or birth certificate)

Voided check for direct deposit authorization letter

**New BCSS Applicants 18 and over will be finger printed

Please bring $52 money order and Drivers Liscence on day of fingerprinting (Done every Tuesday @ 8:30am, County Office)


$15hr/7:30am-1:30am M-Th.

Must be at least 16 years old to apply.

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