Cass High School Administration banner

Photo of Stephen Revard

Mr. Stephen Revard


Professional Learning Community and Educational Partners

Staff: New Teachers, Front Office

Photograph of Bill Johnson

Mr. Bill Johnson

Associate Principal


Students: 10th, 12th grades

Staff: Counseling, Fine Arts, Math, Paraprofessionals

Photograph of Dr. Nicky Moore

Dr. Nicky Moore

Assistant Principal 

Athletic Director, Facilities

Students: 9th grade

Staff: PE, CTAE, Janitorial


Mrs. Micaela Armona

Magnet Coordinator

Center for Advanced Studies International Studies

Photograph of Mrs. Sarah Turner

Mrs. Sarah Turner

Reading Interventionist

Photograph of Mrs. Carey Hory

Mrs. Carey Hory

Academic Support Teacher

Tier 1 Instruction

Mrs. Katherine Wallraven

Mrs. Katherine Wallraven

Learning Support Specialist


Coach Bobby Hughes

Mr. Bobby Hughes

Athletic Coordinator

Physical Education Department Lead

Mr. Andrew Griffin

Mr. Andrew Griffin

Guidance Counselor Department Lead

AP Coordinator

Kimberly Schlabach ESE

Ms. Kimberly Schlabach

Exceptional Student Education

Kim Hamrick

Ms. Kimberly Hamrick

Administrative Assistant