Attendance Policies

All the Attendance Procedures can be found in the Bartow County School System Student Handbook.

Important Attendance Notes:

  • Attendance is taken each morning in Homeroom. Students are considered tardy after 8:30 am and will check in through the main office.

  • Students must be present at least 4 hours of the school day to be considered present for daily attendance.

  • For an absence, tardy, or check-out to be excused, proper documentation must be submitted promptly and no more than three (3) days after the student returns to school.

  • A parent may submit parent notes to explain up to four (4) days of student absences each semester.

  • If the student is out for more than two (2) consecutive days due to illness, a medical excuse will be required.

  • All documentation (parent notes, medical excuses) must be given in writing to the Homeroom teacher.

  •  No emails or faxes will be accepted.


Check-Out Procedures:

  • Only the person/s on the student’s contact list will be allowed to check out.

  • A handwritten note from the parent/legal guardian must be given to the Homeroom teacher if anyone other than those listed will be checking the student out.

    • The note must include ALL the following information: student's name, name of the person you are giving permission to check out, and a parent/guardian's signature with contact phone number.

  • Phone and email requests are not accepted for any change in the check out procedure. No exceptions.

  • You will be required to present your ID at the front door for check outs and entry to the building.

  • No check outs will be permitted after 2:45 pm.


Transportation/Bus Changes:

  • If a student needs a bus note, a parent note must be submitted to the Homeroom teacher. The student will come to the main office during lunch to pick up the bus pass.

  • The note needs to contain the student’s first & last name, bus number, parent name, and phone number.

  • If riding the bus home with someone, a note from both students’ parents/guardians is required.

  • No change of transportation will be accepted by phone, fax, or email request.